Monday, November 26, 2007

New Era Down Under

Kevin Rudd has led the Labor Party to a resounding victory in the Australian federal election on Sat. Nov. 24th. This means he will soon be occupying Kirribilli House - which is the official residence of the Australian prime minister and just across the harbour from the Sydney Opera House.

He has promised an ambitious agenda, including enhanced investment in education at all levels and specific measures to counter the "brain drain".

Although there's been much debate in countries like Australia, Canada and New Zealand about "brain drain" there is also ample evidence that the skilled migration programs in each of those countries is actually resulting in a "brain gain" - at the expense of many emerging countries such as India, China, Bangladesh, Malaysia, etc.

I'll be watching with great anticipation how Rudd governs Australia, given his progressive world view and "foreign exposure" - he served as a diplomat with the Australian foreign affairs department and speaks fluent Chinese.

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